Sunday, March 27, 2011

More exterior photos

It's a little difficult to quantify what has been done over the last week, so I thought I'd mostly just put up some old photos of the exterior as it has occurred to me that there are not actually that many on here!  I think that we took so many that I felt as thought I'd posted a lot.

Regan has continued with the never-ending task of painting.  He's almost been doing it for three months now. He's on to the ceiling of the kitchen/dining room now.  I brought down the coffee after he'd been sanding for the morning and those bits of his face that had not been covered by the air filter were covered in dust.  The first top coat is on now, which is great.  He's also primed Bedroom 2.  Slowly but surely, we're getting there.

The kitchen has not gone in yet.  Somehow I'm not surprised.  But the Builder is working hard at it.  Maybe next week...

My contribution: lunch prepared on site
The builder has also been putting in more of the doors in the storage wall, so that is looking more like a continuous wall now, as it is meant to.  He's also been doing general finishing work, which is always difficult to describe.  It is all feeling very near but very far at the moment!

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