Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Stairs in

Main staircase, plywood
Painting continues...  Regan has actually taken some time off work, so he has progressed the painting quite a bit.  Unfortunately he is also sick, so he's probably not doing himself too much good.  He's completed the main stairwell now, which is looking pretty damn awesome.

He's also started sealing the ensuite, which is another milestone for us.  I thought that the sealing work would be a nice break from the painting.  I didn't realise that the sealant is all painted on...

The Builder has done a little more work on the macrocarpa storage wall.  He's cut out some MDF doors and is working on affixing the macrocarpa boards to that.  He's got the boards aligned practically perfectly - you can barely notice that there are any doors at all!

Spot the door in the macrocarpa wall?
The Builder has been spending most of his time away from site because he's working on the kitchen.  This is hugely exciting.  It has however lead to another Thing That Went Wrong.  Our gorgeous new microwave/convection oven was being moved to facilitate some measuring and the ceramic plate that sits in it got broken.  I haven't had the strength to price a replacement yet... Or risk being told that it will take six months to get the replacement part!

The metal frames for the two benches have arrived from the metalwork shop and are sitting in the dining room, waiting to have the formica cupboards (with soft close drawers - it came in on budget!) put into them.  They are very industrial looking.  They will probably need to be given all the parties that we're planning!

Toe board for a future kitchen bench
The Builder has also delivered one of the toe boards for one of the benches (for the non-kiwis:  the "bench" of cupboards.  NOT a bench that you sit on).  In the photo, the toe board is roughly in place.  There will also be another bench parallel to that one (about where the orange chairs are).  The fridge, oven, microwave and pantry will go in that cupboard space perpendicular to the benches.  The first installation of cupboards may even start this week.

Metal frames for the kitchen benches

1 comment:

  1. Great thoughts you got there, believe I may possibly try just some of it throughout my daily life

    Kitchen Bench
