Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Eagle has Landed

I repeat:  The Eagle has landed!  Roofing is now on site.  The builder has not confirmed, but the roofer swears it is there.  Woohoo!  Now we just need it to stop raining...  We really wanted to go down to site tonight to check it out, but managed to realise that our ability to judge the exact shade of black of the roof at night was most probably limited.

In my head, the roof is all in one piece and just gets lifted on with a crane as one piece (particularly as ours also wraps down the walls).  But apparently this is incorrect.

As you can see, (a) we have found our camera; (b) the butynol is finished;  and (c) the builder has been using his time to do some more roof prep stuff.  There is now some wiring that resembles extra-large chicken wire over the roof.  I think that the insulation goes under the "chicken wire" and the ceiling goes under that.  And of course the roof goes on top.

The plumbers (who are also the roofing guys) have also been on site doing plumbing stuff.  I'm not entirely sure what they were doing, but there are now some pipes on the ceiling in Bedroom 3, and plenty of wood shavings on the floor. 
And we've got to finish up with a photo of The Door.  This is the door from the lounge/library area to the exterior.  The Architect is checking it and considering whether it meets his specifications (possibly not).  You can actually see the door in the 3D picture at the top of the blog - it's the one directly to the left of the random narrow window at around floor level.  It would be far more impressive as a door if there was glass in it so that we couldn't still just walk through it!

Now we just need to hope that it stops raining tomorrow so that the damn roof can go ON!

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