Monday, November 8, 2010


Trinny in her new favourite sleeping spot
So the dog gets a lot of air time, but there's actually also a cat who will live in HFD one day. 

Regan is secretly hoping that she will either get lost in the move or will not like HFD and will leave (the fact that the cat door has not been installed has been noted).  But I think she'll stay, if only because she knows that it will annoy him.

Currently her favourite sleeping spot is on top of the carpet samples.  And it must be said that the new Eco Strand carpet samples are not showing the pet hair!
The (future) stairwell light

 Our current abode (Elderbeary Barn aka The Barn) is overflowing with assorted HFD paraphenalia.  The garage is packed with kitchen appliances (no car of ours has ever lived there.  Except for the Escort, but it doesn't go, so it doesn't count).  There's a tv in the spare bedroom.  Brochures cover the lounge.  I had a small meltdown over the light fittings littering the hall recently.  Regan sweetly moved them to the garage (no idea where to).  The only one that has survived is the future stairwell light, which survived the Christchurch earthquake (where it lived at the time) and is now being stored by hanging impotently from a spare cable in The Barn living area.  It's my piece of Italian lust.

We've gone over all kiwi and bought a David Trubridge ( for the dining area.  They come in flat pack!  And they come in black!

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