Sunday, October 31, 2010

Gib bracing has commenced

Ensuite on left, gibbed masterbed on right
The builder has been busy on the interior this week.  He has put up the gib board over the pink batt-filled walls in the master bedroom to act as the bracing.  We are not lining the walls with gib - we are lining them with MDF (gib is "too obvious").  So the MDF will go on top of the bracing gib. 

The plumber has also dropped all sorts of things off.  Our bath is now on site!  It is being stored in the en-suite for the moment, but it will eventually go into the main bathroom.  From the looks of things, the plumber had to have two goes at cutting the plug hole into the concrete in the main bathroom...  The en-suite seems to be being used as a general storage area at the moment!  The plumber has also delivered the taps, so they are being stored in the garage.  The toilets and basins are still in our garage at home!  We're feeling rather overwhelmed with house bits at home at the moment.  The hallway at home, for example, is piled high with light fittings.

Gib stored in the lounge
All of the bracing gib has been delivered, and it is piled up in the lounge.  It is pretty thick stuff, and the weight of it all in one place is so great that they have had to prop the garage again so that our concrete floor doesn't crack or bow.

The metal ceiling battens have also been delivered, and they are stored in the dining room/kitchen.  So the lining is starting to happen, which is pretty exciting.  I understand that the gib bracing will go up first, then the ceilings, and then the MDF.  And somewhere in all of this, Regan needs to sort out some acoustic panels for the ceiling....  

Macrocarpa outside the kitchen
The builder has also continued work on the cladding, and has put up the macrocarpa cladding outside the kitchen.  That big framed window is a huge picture window in the kitchen.  The dining area is to the right, and the outside area will eventually be a courtyard.

 That macrocarpa wall is a continuation of the wall that you can see outside next to the master bedroom in the exterior shots from the last post.  It continues all the way through the house along the same line, and finishes here outside the kitchen.  The interior bits of it haven't been done yet.

Ray, Regan, Scott and ceiling battens 
Scott is visiting from Brisbane, so we took advantage of the situation to put him to work as another electrician's apprentice, and he, Ray and Regan did some wiring on Saturday.  Exactly how much was done is questionable, as I had a long telephone conversation with my mother, did the groceries, brought them a late lunch and then got home at 4 pm and they hadn't done anything yet...

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