Wednesday, November 17, 2010

This week's evening labour

Before (with the hot water cylinder)
As I said previously, the acoustic ceiling panels have arrived after having been cut out.  It's our job to paint them.  So we've been down after work to attend to that.  We have to sand each groove on every panel (I think there are 16).  Then we need to move it across the garage to the "painting zone".

This exercise has given Regan the perfect excuse to buy some kind of pressurised spray painter thingie.  It was $170 per day to hire, but we could buy a cheap one for $300!  Then we (ie. Regan) have to spray paint each panel. 

Once we've managed that, we need to cut out a piece of black material and somehow glue it to the back of the panel.  So together the grooves and material should work to absorb the noise.

Our hot water cylinder has also arrived - 300 litres of goodness.

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