Sunday, October 10, 2010

Sparkies on the job

Jeromy (stairwell behind him), between kitchen and lounge)
After Regan spent most evenings this week down on site doing the apprentice-type jobs (like putting in the rest of the flush boxes), he, the electrical engineer (his dad, Ray) and the authorised electrician (his brother, Jeromy) descended on site this week-end to wire the place up.  It's looking like a proper site now - chip packets, takeaway coffee cups, empty insulation bags and sawdust all lying on the floor, and wires lying everywhere.  They're putting in phone jacks, data cables and normal electricity wires too.  Reams of wires.  We've got a cupboard in the library/lounge that most wires will run from.  Regan assures me that a PS3 will be the most appropriate operating system for all of these things.  I, naturally, remain unconvinced.  They're also wiring the place for the future, for things like speakers outside.  The very, very distant future.
 After spending the whole day wiring the place, they realised in the evening that some of the lights were halogen and some are fluorescent, and have different voltages.  This all lead to spirited dinner table conversation about transformers (not of the Megatron/Optimus Prime variety).  Some amended plans were made this morning, and work continued.
Regan (with foot on tv cavity)

I was meant to facilitate all of this by doing my very best Desperate Housewives act by turning up with morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner.  As it turns out, I had a (totally undeserved) killer hangover, and managed to stumble down at around 4.30 pm with salt & vinegar crisps and some Coke.  If only the road down there wasn't so windy...  I attempted to make up some lost ground by delivering fresh muffins for morning tea this morning, but I'm not convinced that it worked.
Ray in the hallway
The Builder has started putting in the pink batts (insulation) on the walls in the lounge and master suite - before the wiring went in.  We have taken this as a sign that he is dissatisfied with the amount of time taken by the sparkies...  The ceiling batts have also arrived, and the Builder has made good use of the stairwell cavity, storing them all down that hole.  It is very tempting just to jump onto them!  The dog has certainly been eyeing them up.  She tried to have a nap on a piece of pink batt this morning, but may come to regret that if any of those fibres stuck to her.  We are also happy to report that she has figured out how to deal with the glass now, and is no longer refusing to enter the house.  She is also making good use of the windows, barking at every car of rubberneckers that comes into the subdivision.

The garage door has gone in now, so downstairs is finally weathertight (we're still awaiting some small windows and two doors upstairs).   Another nasty cold front has come in this week-end and there were lots of cars parked outside the house, so we haven't taken any photos of the garage door.
Ceiling batts in the stairwell

The Builder has also finished the plywood cladding on the back of the house, and the roofers have finished the flashings and canterbury prickles on the crest of the roof, so that is looking more finished.  Now some painters' apprentices just need to start staining the plywood black.
The back (east) side, awaiting staining

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