Monday, May 16, 2011

We're in!

Stairwell with steel balustrades by day
We moved in over Easter week-end - to only a semi-finished house.  It has been chaotic and messy, but we're glad to be in.  I'll just tease you with some bits and pieces in photos.

The place was a hive of activity on Easter Thursday, as workmen hurried to finish off the last necesseties - like blinds.  The perils of living in a house with lots of glass walls...  And polishing the floor so that we could actually walk on it.

So we were semi-camping for a while.  Every day we have more and more lights.  Mood lighting is good.  We have, however, lost one of the key wires in the wall in the living room.  So the Sparkies have been "fishing" for it.  It means that we only have two small spotlights for light, and the tv is running off an extension cord instead of being tidily tucked up in the wall.  It is amazing how small the tv looks in the wall!

Stairwell by night - thanks to Moooi random light
We didn't have a shower for about a week while The Tiler (Regan) was tiling his little behind off.  He's done an amazing job and the shower is a great time-waster.  Fantastic water pressure! But when they went to put the bath in, they found it was cracked.  And the hand basin in the main bathroom is cracked too.  So there is some stuff to sort out there.  And Regan's reward for finishing the tiling of the main bathroom is to tile the en-suite...

The balustrades have gone in too.  The stairwell was done by the time we moved in, but the ones over the windows have only just gone in.  They're the same as the ones down the stairwell.  But one of our neighbours was around the other day and managed to break one!  Whoops...

Another issue that we've encountered is that it seems that the seal on the floor wasn't quite set when we moved in.  Or maybe it just isn't as hard as we expected it would be.  So we are picking up heaps of scrapes.  It's not helped either by all the grit on the ground outside and the dogs.  Frank just seems to have pouches between his paw pads that trap grit and drag them in!  We've had a bit of site work done too, so the levels around the exterior doors at the back have been brought upwards so that the courtyard is more formed.

Tiling on the go
The Head Sparky puts in another light
We've had more joinery arrive too, so every few days I get to unpack more drawers, which is exciting too.  I am totally excited about having a laundry.  I was shoving everything into the kitchen out of habit until I had an epiphany and realised that I had a whole room that could take things like rubbish bags and pegs and cleaning stuff!  And as for the dishwasher....  Our little studio fire is incredible too!

So I'll try to do more updates about specific areas as they get finished off and look better.   But it is great to be in!

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