Sunday, May 22, 2011


Here's the laundry, as is for the moment.  It's got the same polished concrete floors as the rest of the house, with an external door for the all-important easy access to the washing line.  When we get one.

The builder/joiner has made us a plywood and green lacquered laundry tub, which matches the one in the main bathroom.  It's got a lovely big pull out drawer at the bottom.  Having used drawers now for a few weeks, I can happily report that drawers are where it is at.  You can actually get to the things at the back!

You can still see the ducting above the dryer.  We (the royal "we", of course) still need to get a cupboard sorted to hide all of that.

Then next to that, you can see some of our old white formica cupboards from the old place.  We've got another one in the alcove that you can just see peeping out to the right of the photograph.  Those are temporary for the next couple of years probably.  You can see I've got a couple of Trade Aid baskets sitting on one of them.  Long term, I'd like to have some shelves up with about six of those baskets so that I can sort towels, sheets, delicates, whites etc into baskets as I go.
Close up of the laundry tub

We also need to think about exactly where the ironing board will go.  And of course where the airing rack will go!  That's a bit of a necessity for a working couple in the Dunedin winter.  I think I'd love some of those fold-down racks that live on teh wall.  But I just need to think a bit more about how  I want those bits to work.

We've also got a big broom cupboard-type cupboard behind the door to the left of the photo.  It opens up facing that cupboard on the left.  That gives us more storage, which is great.

Our newest neighbour
I am totally loving having a laundry!  Every time I have something that I don't know where to put (eg. spare light bulbs), I don't have to try to shove it into the kitchen - I can just put it in the laundry.  Bliss!

The farmer in the paddock behind us has mown his hay and now put his steer calves into the paddock, so we've had some very curious cows watching our every move.  We had a competition to see who could get the biggest bovine audience for their shower...

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