Sunday, October 17, 2010

Macrocarpa cladding starts

The macrocarpa cladding on the house has begun!  You can see it on the front of the house, between the dining/kitchen (on the left) and the lounge (on the right).  (You can just see the bedroom wing sticking out behind the lounge.)  And you can see that the garage door has gone in (underneath the lounge).  The front door is just next to that.

Some of the window soffits have also got macrocarpa cladding around them - like the big picture window on the east side of the kitchen, so some of that has started too.
Some more plywood cladding has also gone on the bit of the house that extends out into the outdoor courtyard.  You can see some plywood, and then black beneath it.  We are going to have to bring in some more fill to bring the ground level up so that the ground starts at the bottom of the plywood area.  It turns out that the level is a little lower than anticipated!  In the photo on the right, Regan is standing in the north east corner of the dining room.

And the sparkies haven't been idle either.  As you can see, there are now acres and acres of wire lying around...  

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